Like heaven matching links.

You have passion for fashion.

I have passion for writing.

Our artistry bind us together,

like heaven matching links.


I declared, “No you could not be

the man I’m searching forever.”

But I was wrong.

It turned out you could be.


You walked towards me.

Asked me if we could talk.

You were required to do it.

Not something you could have done normally.


But, of course, deep down inside,

I was nervous.

And so were you.

Like heaven matching links.


Your hands were shaking while talking.

My eyes were smiling while talking.

We were very few inches apart.

How could I forget that?


You speak very sensely.

Like flowers could blossom

Just hearing your words.

Do you know that?


I can not help

But pay attention

To every details of you

I can do it everyday.


Physically, Honestly, you can never be him.

But you’re worth listening into.

Your voice is like melody in my ear.

Can I even say no to you?


I think I’m beginning to like you.

More and more, day by day.

Every time I glance up at you.

But sadly, you not glaring at me.


I’d be the happiest person,

If I learned you like me too


like heaven matching links.