I Am Forever Yours, Only Yours.

Thank you God,

For allowing me to see this beautiful sunset.

For making my heart warm

As I watch the sky turns from orange to a dark hue of blue.


You know exactly that this is one of the things

That gives me comfort.


Thank you God,

For always making me feel like I’m home.

I’ve been through so much darkness

At this very young age.

But You’re there

To give light to my way.


You’re there to make me realize

That you have better plans for me.

You’re always there to remind me

That I am exactly where I need to be.


Thank you God

For all the conversations we have,

For speaking through my heart,

For guiding me to the right path.


Thank you God

For helping me to see the beauty in present,

For guiding me to live my life

Not one step backwards

Neither one step forward,

And to simply be happy.


I can’t physically feel You wipe my tears,

But I know that you wash them away

With Your love.


And that is why I’m never going to stop thanking You.